Thursday 29 August 2013

Anatomi Hewan 2013

Buat kamu-kamu yang mau ambil praktikum Anatomi hewan 2013. Nanti Sabtu, 7 september 2013 akan ada PEMBEKALAN. untuk info lebih lanjut sering2 update info di LAB BIOLOGI UMS ya :D

Monday 26 August 2013

Man Must be Strong

Yuhi wo miteiruka by JKT48. Accompany me this night, the song that contains the sad events of encouragement that this day could go by beautifully. Today really made me feel sad. I always keep hoping that tomorrow I can go forward. May the rain clouds today could turn out to be sunny. I do not want to bother other people, but I also can not hold it all alone. I need a friend who will accompany me, listen to my sighing.

Saturday 24 August 2013

the importance of mutual respect

How are you today? I hope your day is fun. Lets make tomorrow better. Deal??? :D . im believe that everything is a journey for us. Couse you will be better, you will be wisely. although step by step. Today, i learned something. Guess what?? I learned something about respecting. Have you ever felt disrespected by someone? If you ask me about that, i will say “yes i have”.
But one thing is important, all of this is part of a mature ourselfs. Our prophet always set an example that is to always return good for evil. That is good for your health. Trust me it works. Hehe

Friday 23 August 2013

Your smile :D

What’s your hobby?? What makes you interest?? Everyone has desire to do something. Is it good? Is it makes your life better? Is it useful?. Yes, if you have a dream? Go get it. There is a quote “start with small things first”. I think it that is not entirely true. Because, if you start but you dont like it, it same with to do nothing. Its true that you must start with small things, but you must also search whats your desire. If you do that, you will find out who you are.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Boa pelangi (Epicrates cenchria)

Nama ilmiah         : Epicrates cenchria
Common name       : Rainbow boa
Nama lokal          : Boa Pelangi
Deskripsi            :

Ular ini memiliki warna dasar coklat kemerahan. Pola lingkaran pada tubuhnya berwarna hitam. Ular ini tidak berbisa. Hewan yang tergolong mamalia ini menyukai hewan seperti tikus untuk dimakan. Boa pelangi ini banyak ditemukan di Amerika tengah hingga selatan. Habitatnya berada di hutan hujan tropika, savana, dan Padang rumput